Since sharing Elijah's Homebirth story, I figure it fitting to share a letter I wrote to Zoey, a few weeks after she was born.... Honestly, I'm posting this mainly for memories sake....

Dear Zoey,
Even before we found out we were expecting, I loved you… and that love has continued to grow since that amazing moment the test said POSITIVE and through each passing day. Your Daddy and I have dreamed of having a little girl…. We even picked out your name while we were just dating. When the Ultrasound showed us, God had blessed us with a daughter, your Daddy nearly leaped across the table in disbelief and pure joy…. Ohhhh the tears we cried that day.
Watching and feeling you grow inside of me was such a precious blessing. It was a long 42 weeks and 4 days but the moment you were born and laid in my arms is a moment I will never forget. You are the first of my lasts…. teaching me how precious every moment is. It’s been 15 days since they laid you in my arms and each passing day brings tears because I don’t want to forget every intricate, fine detail that these sweet short days bring…. they seem to pass so, so quickly! Oh how many prayers I have prayed, begging God to slow down time, pause it…. and embed it in my memory.
I want you to know, I love everything about you! I love the softness of your hair and how your head fits so perfectly in my hand. I love the smell of your breath and how you let me kiss your tender cheek over and over again. I love the look of wonder in your eye and the instant peace that seems to overcome you in an instant when I pick you up and hold you and whisper in your ear. I love the sound of you breathing and your warmth when you sleep on my chest. I love the way you wrinkle your nose while eating your hand to show me you are hungry. I love the way it feels when you curl up against me to nurse. I love the way you stare up at me while I talk to you with the most perfect blue eyes. I love that you trust me…. that you, in this tiny, little body are already so forgiving. I may not be the best mom, or the most patient… but I promise – I will love you more fiercely than anyone in this world!
The past 15 days have forced me to see life through a new lens. Every moment with you, your brothers, and your Daddy are special, irreplaceable, and totally priceless. I thank God for each precious moment with you, Zoey, my sweet, beautiful little girl. You have already made the world a better place and I’m expecting God is going to do amazing things through you.
YES, I love everything about you and I hope as you grow up, you know that I always considered it a blessing to be your mom and share this life with you.
Here is my prayer for you, my girl…..
God, I pray that light will flood Zoey’s heart and that she will understand the hope that was given to her when you chose her. {Eph 1:18} God, May Zoey be confident of this, that you who began a good work in her will carry it on to completion. {Philippians 1:6} AMEN!!!!
I love you Zoey JoAnn Audelina… more than words… I LOVE YOU!
Love, MOM
Zoey is now 6 years old.... I'm so thankful for the time God has given us. She still loves to snuggle and is the smartest lil girl I have ever met. She loves Jesus and I know He has amazing plans for her!
<3 Michelle – The Bohemian Homemaker