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Writer's pictureMichelle Warren

Bible Journaling Lesson: Beauty from ashes

In ancient Israel and surrounding areas, ashes exemplified loss and mourning. People sprinkled themselves with ashes when grieving the death of someone for whom they cared, after a national disaster, when repenting over one’s own sin, or after experiencing a personal tragedy. While this expression of grief may seem foreign, we know what grief feels like..... Ashes were a physical representation of that grief. The soul-deep recognition that we need our Creator to bring healing and wholeness to hurting places. In a figurative sense, how many of us have been sitting in the ashes? Are our heads steeped in the remains of once was or clouded by the grief of dreams that no longer exist?

Since October our family has faced battle after battle. We had a water leak that flooded our basement….. costing thousands of dollars. We then had 2 other separate plumbing issues just a week apart – involving roots in our sewer lines. We have battled health issues with my daughter, Zoey. And my husband, who has been with his company for over 10 years without ever being in trouble got put on a 6 mo. probation and we think they are trying to push him out. He only has 3 classes to finish his bachelors degree in health and safety management and we can’t afford to finish right now….. and the list goes on….

Throughout these hardships, God has brought to my mind Isaiah 61:3 "...He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of depair." and Romans 5:3-5 “…but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

I think its so important to remember that God brings Beauty from Ashes. He is our restorer!


God never leaves us. 

He is merciful and forgiving.

He tenderly cares for and meets our needs. 

Christ has conquered sin. 

Trials of this life are temporary.

Jesus will remove our suffering and replace it with joy.

Hold onto these truths, sweet friend. No matter the circumstances, Jesus is with us—ready and able to take our pain and struggle and replace it with His joy, peace, and goodness.

I hope that you have enjoyed the FREE BIBLE JOURNALING LESSON on Beauty from Ashes!

<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle

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