Easter has so much meaning to us as Christians. Its resurrection day! It means that Christ is risen. It means that Jesus has defeated death. Easter means that eternal life is real, that death is not the end our life with God. All who live and believe will never die.
But there is something to be said about the stone being rolled away from the tomb – a detail recorded in all four gospels – it tells us something else about Easter that I believe is quite significant. The stone being rolled away tells us that Easter is also about the ways in which God removes obstacles in our life, those obstacles that try to keep us from God, and try to stop us from living the life that God has called us to live.
Today, I challenge you to think about those large stones in your life. The obstacles that are keeping you from living the full abundant life with Christ, here and now. Think about those obstacles that are trying to keep you in your tombs {so to speak}. Those battles that paralyze us with fear, that trap us, that try to stop us from living, REALLY LIVING, our new lives in Christ. And, then, think about what Easter teaches us about how God plans to remove those stones.
I hope that you have enjoyed the FREE BIBLE JOURNALING LESSON on He Has Risen!
<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle