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Bible Journaling Lesson: Take Courage

Courage is having the strength and belief to act according to your convictions, despite potential consequences.

Three thousand years ago, in the Valley of Elah, a giant named Goliath of Gath emerged from the Philistine ranks. Every day, he taunted the army of Israel and renounced God. For forty days, he challenged the Israelite warriors to a fight to the death, but none dared to accept. Each morning, he approached, causing the men of God to retreat in shame.

The soldiers lacked courage to face Goliath because at that very moment they lacked faith. For whatever reason, despite all the stories and past experiences, Goliath looked bigger than God. Each man believed that if he went out against this giant, he would die.

Then, a young Hebrew shepherd boy named David arrived at the camp to bring food to his brothers. He heard Goliath's insults against the Israelites and their God, which filled him with righteous anger. Taking his shepherd's sling and a few stones, David confronted Goliath, struck him down, and severed his head.

((Go read 1 Samual 17 for the complete story!))

So, what made David different? What fueled David's courage was his confidence in God's promises and God's power to fulfill them. What made David successful in his feat was his courage and his faith in God.

To fight like David, we need to understand these things:

  1. God chose us for this assignment. He has prepared and equipped you for this!

  2. We must change our perspective. Get on your knees in prayer. Get in the Word for wisdom and to grow. Once you can see clearly, you can fight more effectively.

  3. Don't let anyone discourage you. Criticism couldn't stop David. He understood the importance of taking action. By doing what is right, you will be pleasing God and HIS OPINION MATTERS MOST!

We need David's fearlessness. But how did David fight with such confidence? He had grown strong by trusting God when he encountered wild animals while guarding his father's sheep. The small battles we face are preparing us for what is ahead. Let God teach you through the battles. When you face towering problems, recall how God has helped you in the past fight through those hard situations. LOOK AT THE FACTS! Take heart because God gives you strength. Use the skills God has already given you and move forward!

REMEMBER: Your testimony is a weapon. Your testimony points people who might be holding on by a thread, deep in battle, towards Jesus. Your testimony, what God gave you the courage to fight through... Might save someone! Seeing what God did for you just may be the light in their darkness! BUT your testimony also helps YOU in the middle of your own war!

I hope that you have enjoyed the FREE BIBLE JOURNALING LESSON - Take Courage!

<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle

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