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Our Identity in Christ & Self-Talk

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

God tells us in His Word that the tongue has incredible power. We can use our tongue to bring blessings and life OR curses and death. Our words can nourish or destroy. That small part of our bodies has the power to influence the trajectory of a person’s life…. OF YOUR OWN LIFE!

SOOoooOo… How do you talk about yourself? (Yall I’m speaking to myself here too!) AND How do you think your kids feel when you talk about yourself? What do you speak over your life? AND How does that impact your family? We can’t control what others say… but we can speak life over ourselves and our family! God gave us an incredible power when he gave us the gift to speak words…..

Think about how God created us….. HE SPOKE US INTO CREATION! AND Jesus Gave Us All Authority and Power to speak into our own lives….

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”

We operate in authority because we are filled with the Holy Spirit! In a world where we are constantly comparing our lives to other people…. It so important to remember WHAT GOD SAID ABOUT EACH OF US!


Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

YOUR LIFE MATTERS! God has given you a gift to be used according to His will, for His glory, to build up His church.... to promote the Kingdom of God! But everyone, at some point in this life, questions their worth and feels like they have lost their identity. Maybe that’s you... Do you feel unworthy, unloved, and/or confused about your purpose as a Christian?

I want you to know that your freedom doesn't come from anything this world has to offer.... it comes in knowing Jesus. If you are struggling, I want to encourage you... though not with empty compliments, I want to help you find your Identity in Christ! YOUR FREEDOM!

What does it mean anyways... "My Identity in Christ"?

It's what makes you unique... but it's NOT who we are in and of ourselves. It's what God does to us and the relationship He creates with us and the destiny He appoints for us. God made us who we are so we could make known who He is!

If you are looking for FREEDOM, you can find it in JESUS! You can find it in SCRIPTURE!

The printable gives you scriptures that point to your identity in Christ! This is what God says about you! Read and Reflect on these scriptures this week! At the bottom you will see a place to choose a scripture to write & memorize. I know we have talked a lot about not having scripture memorized so I want to give yall some ideas on scripture memorization. So, for our next devotional, we are going to talk about The Power of Scripture and How to memorize it…..




  1. When was the last time you thanked God for your voice? Think about how much of a gift and a blessing your voice is...

  2. How do you speak about yourself? Replace negative talk with Biblical Affirmations!

  3. What Scripture are you working to memorize this week?


Thanks for reading, sweet friends!

<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle Warren

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