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Writer's pictureMichelle Warren

Scripture Memorization - 2 Corinthians 12:9

I'm excited to introduce you all to our new monthly lesson format. I have recently had it on my heart to start memorizing more scripture and I think pairing it with understanding the meaning and context of each verse is important, but the creative side is as well. I researched to find the best ways to memorize scripture and came up the 7 steps you will find below. Over time these steps may change and/or be added to, as I find what works. I would also love to hear feedback from you so that I can implement changes that YOU find beneficial as well. Let's get excited about memorizing God's word!

Want to know why memorizing scripture is so important..... Check out my blog post: The Power of Scripture & How to Memorize It!

This month we are focusing on 2 Corinthians 12:9. This verse really hit home for me after we had a devotional called THORNS & The Power of your Testimony. Its God responding to Paul's request to remove the thorn in his flesh. It's a beautiful description of how we can trust when prayers go seemingly unanswered, that God has purpose in that. He sees a "why" that we can't see. I'm sure God, our Father wants nothing more than to take that thorn from you sweet friend, and maybe someday he will... until then, trust that its producing within you a character trait, fruit of the spirit...... something. It is refining you. Its in the valley that we grow, not the mountain tops.....

I pray that through memorizing this scripture you, too, will have this verse to cling to whenever you feel weak. Learn the context, the meaning behind the verse and dig deep..... go deeper than what's just in this lesson..... so that you really get the root meaning and then when you hide it in your heart, you will feel closer to The Lord. The God who sees you as His perfect creation.

I hope that you have enjoyed the FREE Bible Memorization Lesson on 2 Corinthians 12:9!

<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle

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