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Your Identity in Christ, & Your Purpose.

YOU HAVE A PURPOSE, SWEET FRIEND! Your life matters! God has given you a gift to be used according to His will, for His glory, to build up His church.... to promote the Kingdom of God! But everyone, at some point in this life, questions their worth and feels like they have lost their identity. Maybe that is you today... Do you feel unworthy, unloved, and/or confused about your purpose as a Christian?

I want you to know that your freedom doesn't come from anything this world has to offer.... it comes in knowing Jesus. If you are struggling, I want to encourage you... though not with empty compliments, I want to help you find your Identity in Christ! YOUR FREEDOM!

What does it mean anyways... "My Identity in Christ"?

It's what makes you unique... but it's NOT who we are in and of ourselves. It's what God does to us and the relationship He creates with us and the destiny He appoints for us. God made us who we are so we could make known who He is!

If you are looking for FREEDOM, you can find it in JESUS! You can find it in SCRIPTURE!

Once you find your freedom in Christ, and discover your identity, you may be plagued by the question WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?


To do that we must be set apart, different. We can't look like the world because we are set apart....

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans 12:2

God has already equipped you. You are prepared. It may just be that your tools need dusted off and sharpened. Once you are saved, once you give your life to Jesus... you are special and ready for the Master to use you for every good work. (2 Timothy 2:20:21) There is always an occasion for God to use you. There is always work to be done!

If you want to walk out your calling, sharpen your tools:

  1. Get in the word, memorize scripture. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) HOW: choose a short book to start, join a Bible reading group, and/or invite other woman to read with you to hold you accountable.

  2. Spend more time in prayer & Renew your prayer life. (2 Chronicles 7:14) HOW: follow a prayer layout if you are new and/or use the visual prayer method if you are easily distracted (see my blog post HERE)

  3. Spend more time with other Christians and build each other up. (Matthew 18:20) HOW: meet up for coffee, attend church gatherings, have a game night

  4. FORGIVE others, the way Christ forgave you. (Colossians 3:13) HOW: write a letter forgive someone who hurt you (even if you never deliver it), apologize to someone you hurt, choose to let go, and/or stop relieving the situation.

  5. Be Kind and Compassionate (Colossians 3:12, Leviticus 19:33-34) HOW: offer to help, send a card, check on ppl, listen, be available, seek to understand, and/or pause before responding.

  6. Show the Joy & LOVE of Jesus (1 Peter 1:6, Romans 12:9) HOW: smile, practice and extend gratitude, GIVE, bear one another's burdens, choose to see others as a child of God, and make allowance for faults and weaknesses.

  7. Seek Discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10) HOW: purse knowledge/truth, pray for wisdom, measure everything by the word, and be quick to listen and slow to speak.

  8. Repent Regularly (Luke 5:32) HOW: acknowledge your sin and turn away from it, pray for the Holy Spirit to change your desires.

  9. Worship (Psalm 100:2) HOW: Sing in your car, dance in your home, raise your arms in surrender, declare His goodness, verbalize your desire to be near to the Lord.

  10. Extend Hospitality and SERVE! (Romans 12:13-20, Matthew 25:42-46) HOW: Start a fun club, host a prayer meeting, cook, clean for someone who needs help, babysit, give someone a ride to church or the grocery store, be a greeter at church, participate in neighborhood clean-up.

This isn't an extensive list of gifts.... but I bet you could confidently highlight at least one of these and say, "YES! That's my gift!" You might even have several of these that you would consider your gifts.... but I'm also sure that there are a few you wish you could blot out with a marker.... the one that The Holy Spirit is bringing to your attention..... Instead of marking it out put a star next to it and ask God to have His way in this area and then GIVE IT TO HIM! Submit!

These gifts make a different for Christ.... they impact your neighbors, your friends, your children, and your family. They make a difference in your daily life, and they make a difference for those who are watching you (and trust me... someone is noticing!). So, if you have tucked your gifts away somewhere pull them out... put them to use.

I hope this has blessed you, sweet friend.

<3 The Bohemian Homemaker - Michelle

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